Friday, February 20, 2009

Triology Meter [Bryan]

This chart measures the "quality" of each installment of a movie trilogy. I can't say I disagree with any of it -- although, to be sure, I haven't seen all the Mad Max movies. Interesting how the third movie is always the worst, and the second is often the best. I wonder why that is.


Renee Collins said...

Cool chart, Bryan! Though, I have to take issue with a few things. First of all, the second Matrix was the worst by far. And second, while I agree that the Lord of the Rings movies are all equally good, that rating should be higher than what they have on the chart. Mad Max 2 better than LOTR? I think not.

Anonymous said...

I don't agree with the indiana jones or the back to the future ones. The third of those was the best. Aliens is not there but the second one of those is the best so that follows your pattern.

Anna said...

Spiderman 2 was definitely my favorite one. I'd have to agree with the chart on that one. I thought it was the least violent and the most meaningful one. :0)