Monday, February 16, 2009

I love charts [Bryan]

To be sure, much of how one reads this chart depends on what is meant by evolution being the "best explanation" of human life. But it was still shocking to me. We Mormons have a huge number of scientists among us, compared to others. We also have scriptural tools and resources that suggest the creation accounts are not to be taken so literally (we have 5 distinct creation accounts, after all, each one different from the last!). And yet, we are more fundamentalist than almost anyone on this issue. What's up with that? Yikes.

That captures the recent use of the filibuster by the Senate Republicans. Looks like the Republican strategy is this: obstruct anything and hope things get a lot worse. Country first indeed!

Americans seem to think the current health care system just isn't working.


Renee Collins said...

Interesting charts, Bryan. Actually, I'm not surprised about the evolution chart. I imagine that the Utah Mormon population drags that average down significantly. :)

Also, I wanted to say congrats on the new baby boy! He's a cutie! Pass my well wishes on to Ellie.

Nollie said...

What's the margin of error on the socialized medicine one? It's only a 6% difference to start from and when you take into account the "who knows" and the "about the sames" seems like people are just about underwhelmed with socialized medicine as the current system. Sorry, I just like to play devil's advocate. Charts are great because they can say anything you want them to. :)

Bryan and Ellie said...


Point taken. If anything, the chart shows confusion. But clearly, if it is even close to being accurate, opinions against "socialized medicine" appear to be softening.