Thursday, June 10, 2010

Against engagement rings [Bryan]

I've always thought the custom of engagement rings was odd. Sure, it is good to show special affection for one's bride-to-be. I was happy to buy a ring for Ellie, since I know how much this means for many women. I wanted to show her that she was just as important to me as the other women who received diamond rings from their men. I would do the same thing again. Wouldn't it be better, though, if we all found a better way of expressing this love?

When Ellie and I got married, we were both students trying to pay our way through college. I worked construction during the summer and as a research assistant during school year. I probably made about $7000 dollars a year doing this, while Ellie made about the same, maybe a little more, working at the Utah Children's Museum. Tuition, books, and living expense ate up most of this income. After buying the ring, and paying for the honeymoon, we started our marriage absolutely broke. I doubt we had $50 to our name. This poverty led to some stress and tensions during the first year (including the now famous "ice cream argument") as we tried to make ends meet -- mostly because of that darn ring.

Anyway, let me join with Friedersdorf and urge women everywhere to start a movement against engagement rings:
But men are the ones who buy the rings? Look, men are ultimately going to buy whatever it is that women want. It's a change in social norms that guys are never going to bring about on our own. Why should women want to end diamond engagement rings? Well first of all, it's your money too, presuming the wedding eventually occurs, and more than that, you're the ones who are silently judged by status conscious people every time they look at the size of your rock -- in other words, either you've got reason to feel bad about what other people think of you, or else you're complicit in a system that makes people with less wealthy fiances feel bad about themselves.
It's up to you, ladies. End the madness!


Merkley Jiating said...

The engagement ring Sam gave me was the last big purchase he made before we joined bank accounts. As a 19 year old who had never had money problems, I don't think you could have talked me into NOT getting an engagement ring if it would have saved my life.

Naomi said...

Years prior to my engagement I learned in a business class how the DeBeers company holds back diamonds to keep the prices high. I went with an aquamarine. I have seen many alternates to the traditional diamond in the rings of other younger brides. I'm not sure if that trend will last, but I am one of those who would rather not be in debt for the sake of jewelry.

kiki comin said...

i'm not against engagement rings..but who says they have to have a big rock. or a real rock?!:)