Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's different being a guy [Bryan]

I've been sporting a goatee all summer, as I do most summers. This year was my best goatee yet -- thick and, if Ellie is to be believed, kinda sexy. Yesterday, though, it was itchy and I was tired of it, so I shaved it off. Also yesterday, Ellie went out and got a fairly dramatic haircut. She had about five inches of hair cut off. Both of us, then, changed our physical appearance in rather substantial ways.

We went to church today and I wondered if anybody would say anything to us. Ellie, of course, received countless positive comments -- "Oh, I love you hair, you look so cute" type of thing. But me? Not one comment.

Now, I don't really care that people didn't notice or didn't say anything; in fact, I'm glad. This does show, unsurprisingly, the difference in the things people focus on when it comes to men and women. I'm sorry for you ladies who are always under the microscope of physical appearance. Um, let me know if I can do anything.


Heather said...

Bryan, that's actually the first thing I noticed and whispered to Rick as I came in late to your Sunday School class (sorry). "Look, Bryan's shaved his goatee!" I liked it and hope it is back for next summer. I'm trying to convince Rick to grow one again, we'll see.

Merkley Jiating said...

Can you talk Sam into shaving his massive beard?! It is out of control!

Ben C. said...

I thought it was kind of sexy too but was afraid to say anything.

wendy said...

Hey this post needs a picture of Ellie's cute new hair cut!
-Oh and whatever you did too.

Becky said...

I'm looking forward to seeing a picture, too!