Monday, June 30, 2008

World's shortest movie review: Juno [Bryan]

A few weeks ago, Ellie and I watched Juno, a movie about a pregnant teenager. It was a great show, funny and smart, with edifying messages thrown in for good measure. The young actress who plays Juno, Ellen Page, is absolutely phenomenal and completely believable. Her character is an intriguing mix of generosity, wit, ignorance, confusion, street-smarts, kindness, toughness, and smart alecky-ness (reminds me a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, actually). The rest of the cast also excels. The film tackles issues of life and death, motherhood, love, and selfishness in ways that are profound, but rarely oversimplified and preachy. Best line of the film comes when Juno is talking with her friend Leah at the sonogram:

Leah: Woah check out baby big head. That thing is freaky looking.

Juno: Excuse me? I am a sacred vessel, alright? All you've got in your stomach is Taco Bell.

If you haven't seen it, preview below:


Ben C. said...

Great review. You did a good job capturing the charm of the movie, which for this movie is a bit tough. I'm beginning to think you've got a future in this movie review thing...your last recommendation was a (surprising) hit. It was Lars and the Real Girl.

Nollie said...

Can Andy and I be movie buddies with the Warnicks? We saw Juno in December for our anniversary and it was one of our favorite movies of the year. It's always fun to find other people who like well-written, quirky, and/or "artsy-fartsy" movies. We've had some major disasters over the years in seeing movies with friends who don't share the same tastes.

Renee Collins said...

Ha! I adored Juno. I honestly haven't laughed so much during a movie in a long time.

I completely agree with you about Ellen Page. She absolutely sparkled. Juno was a fabulous character to begin with, but Page really brought her to life.