Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My trials and tribulations [Bryan]

So, I went to the office today with a firm commitment: I was not going to eat any junk food. No way, no how, no bad food. To help me with the commitment, I went to go buy some sugar-free gum, a crutch to help me get over the moments of temptations. I walked to a nearby convenience store, picked up a package of gum, and proceeded to the service counter.

As I paid for my purchase, an employee leaned over the nearby ice-cream counter and asked, "Excuse me, sir, would you like this free chocolate malt?" Arrgh! Apparently, they had made an extra malt during a training session and wanted to give it away.

I tried to resist, but couldn't. I am a weak and sinful man.


Spencer and Anna said...

Ha, ha, ha. It happens to the best of us, Bryan.

xunil2 said...

Claim: Bryan Warnick can resist junk food.

Warnickfact.com: Pants-on-fire False.
