Saturday, June 20, 2009

Taking history into your hands [Bryan]

I've been following closely the hopeful/historic/troubling events in Iran. I don't know if the election was stolen, although I suspect that it was. I don't know much about this Mousavi guy, although he doesn't seem like much of an improvement. It has been hard, though, not to be deeply moved by what is happening -- to watch people with the courage and determination to take history into their hands and try to shape it into something better.

I watched a YouTube video today of a young Iranian girl bleeding to death in the streets of Tehran. It was horrific thing to watch -- a series of images that will stay with me for a long time. She was probably in her twenties or late teens, dressed as a more conservative Muslim. She was shot in the chest. One can see the blood spread. One can see the life drain from her eyes. One can hear the panicked screams as people realize how badly hurt she is. All for what? It could be for nothing. Or for everything.

Times like this make me feel small and trivial. Today, for example, I went to Walmart, went to the lake, and played Guitar Hero. It was a fun time, well spent with family. But I have never taken history into my hands. I have never left in the morning knowing that, during to day, I might be beaten or even killed for taking a stand. I have never really stood up to someone (or for someone) like that, fought for justice with everything on the line. What would I do? Would I find an excuse?

I pity people who face such situations. But, sometimes, I also envy them. They know something about themselves that I do not know about myself.


xunil2 said...

Yesterday I went to the Museum of the Rockies in Bozeman, MT. We watched the planetarium's presentation called 'Hubble Vision'. It was an amazing display of the images taken by the Hubble telescope.

Viewing images made by light emitted 13 billion years ago made me realize how utterly insignificant humanity is. All of human history is nothing compared to the vastness of the unexplored universe.

Bryan said...

Good point. And very philosophical.

Anonymous said...

You play Guitar Hero? Hmm... I think I will have to see that to believe it. Perhaps you can post a video of that in your blog :)

That is one reason I have been so fascinated by Ireland for the past 5 or so years. The fact that they took what they had (which wasn't much) and stood up to the British army. I am amazed at their courage to stand up to protect their family, land, and country.

Another random thought about what you said "They know something about themselves that I do not know about myself." That just reminded me of a quote from Fight Club - How much can you know about yourself if you have never been in a fight.

Ok that's all I have to say

deek3m said...

Here is an interesting article regarding the election.