Tuesday, April 14, 2009

When it rains, it pours [Ellie]

Look at me posting twice in one day. . .

I've been thinking about nicknames lately. My theory is, either you're a nicknamer or you're not. I love nicknamers. There's something so chummy and at-home-with-the-world about them. If they don't like a person's name, well, they just come up with their own. They never question their right to do so. They are confident that people will answer to whatever they choose to call them. I've always had friends who were nicknamers, and while I've generally hated their nicknames, I've loved what I saw as the desire behind the nicknames--to express their affection in a comfortable shorthand. I wish I were a nicknamer.

I'm not. I've tried. I feel awkward and goofy. I'm pretty much unable to call anyone by anything but the name by which they were first introduced to me. My sons are Andrew and Stephen, not Andy or Steve (I don't mind if it happens some day, I just won't call them that). My nicknames for my kids are unimaginative and lame: two Buddies and a Sweet Pea. I can't even come up with a new nickname for Stephen--he just has to be "Little Buddy" to Andrew's "Big Buddy."

Stephen really ought to have his own nickname. He'll have enough hand-me-downs to deal with in his life. Suggestions, anyone?


xunil2 said...

Nice post, Chief. :)

Spencer and Anna said...

Well, it all depends on how cutesy you are willing to be. :) There's always Stevie, Stevers, Stevie Poo, or some kind of endearing animal name. Spencer and I like to call Grace our little monkey. Let's see...or maybe little guy or some kind of Indian-like name that describes his attributes. For example, "little baby, big wail" or something like that. :) There are just so many options.

sarah stitzlein said...

Nicknames can both be endearing and insulting. Reading your friend Anna and Spencer's recent post, I was reminded of the oh-so-sweet Indian nickname given to me early in life--Talks Like a Book. Be kind to your kids, whatever nickname you chose, Boss.