Monday, August 02, 2010

Overrated things [Bryan]

1. Thick milkshakes are overrated. You should be able to drink a milkshake with a straw.

2. Making your bed is overrated. You are just going to mess it up again in 12 hours. (Sorry Mom!)

3. The Sunday comics are overrated. They are almost never funny.

4. Things that are "organic" are overrated. I love buying fresh and local, but "organic" has almost no meaning.

5. Coming to a complete stop is overrated. You can almost always adequately survey an intersection rolling slowly.

6. Flossing is overrated. A dentist told me he can't usually tell if someone flosses by looking at their teeth. And he told me that most dentist don't floss regularly, either.

7. Breakfast is overrated. I like pancakes as much as the next guy, but the food traditionally served at breakfast is uninspiring and dull.

8. Fertilizer that claims to prevent crabgrass is overrated. Never seems to work.

9. The United State Senate is overrated. The rules of the Senate seem designed to thwart democratic accountability and reward egoistic grandstanding.

10. Bacon on hamburgers is overrated. Doesn't add much except fat and calories.


Monica said...

For the record, people who don't floss are more likely to get cavities and periodontal disease. I hate flossing as much as anyone, but Plackers* changed my life. They are a high quality flossing aid that are cheap and worth every penny.

*Disclaimer: I am not now, nor will I be in the future endorsed by any dental product company.


Anonymous said...

Bacon is NEVER overrated

Anonymous said...

Recycling, on the other hand, is overrated

Monica said...

11. The Muslim community wanting to build a mosque at Ground Zero.
