Sunday, March 30, 2008

Going through security [Bryan]

One of my little pleasures in life is going through airport security with my daughter Nora. How so? About a year ago, we were headed back to Utah and taking off our shoes to pass through the security checkpoint. Nora asked what we were doing.

I said, "They need to make sure we are not carrying any dangerous things."

"Oh," Nora said, and paused for a minute. Then she asked, "Like spiders?"

I laughed out loud and said, "Yeah, like spiders."

So every time we go through the spider security checkpoint, we smile and submit to the search. Wouldn't want any spiders to get on the airplane.


miche said...

Well, I for one don't want any spiders on the plane. I never saw "Snakes on a Plane", but I'm betting that "Spiders on a Plane" would be an equally freaky show. Good for Nora - check your shoes for spiders!

kiki comin said...

i am so glad you can find ANY pleasure in that part of the trip..i know once i get past that part, everything else will be fine. i guess if your kids said cute things like that, why wouldn't you enjoy it, right!