Sunday, August 05, 2007

A Dinnertime Conversation

Scene: Bryan and Ellie discussing some random trivia. Nora asks a question out of the blue.

Nora: What do you think about the bridge incident?

Bryan: The "incident"? I've never heard you use that word before. Where did you learn it?

Nora: What does "incident" mean?

Bryan: It is like an accident...

Nora: An accident?

Ellie: It is like when something happens, usually something bad. You said it right, "bridge incident."

Nora: Incident.

Bryan: So where did you learn that word?

Nora: The News Hours with Jim Leher.

Bryan and Ellie blink is guilty disbelief, worried that a nerd is being born right before their eyes. They continue eating.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats too awesome. i also loved her note to ashlee and kurt at the wedding.