Thursday, July 26, 2007

July Events

We had a fun July. Ellie's parents and sister Emily came to visit us and we spend the month touring around Ohio.

Here are some pictures:

Andrew at our favorite "beach" on Deer Creek Reservoir.

We spent a weekend at Lake Erie. Here we are at the Peace Memorial (3rd tallest monument in the US) which celebrates a U.S. navel victory in the War of 1812. It is on an island called Put-In-Bay, which is a great little resort community. Actually, it is a mix of small town Ohio and resort community.

Here I am on Lake Erie.

On Put-in-Bay you can take a tour of the world's largest geode. It is big enough to fit 35 people inside. Really cool!

Sparklers on the 4th of July. We also went to the Hillard City parade. A fairly unimpressive deal with a bunch of little league baseball teams and local advertising. Fun though.

Nora on the Ferry ride to the island. Kids loved it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

looks like fun. andrew is getting so big.