Here is a list of some things that I am into lately:
Music: The Decembrists, Orff's Carmina Burana, Afro-Celt Sound System, and Karminsky Experience, Nick Drake
Games: Settlers of Cattan, classic Diablo
Clothes: bowties, sweaters that Ellie picks out for me.
Haircut: short and gelled.
Parenting: Parent as sage.
Calling: Seminary Teacher as Deweyan Educator
Food: Slim Fast Shakes, McDonald’s Snack Wraps, Triple chocolate chip cookies
Drink: Code Red Mountain Dew, Punch-soda mix (shaken, not stirred)
Politics: Barak Obama, “first 100 hours,” John Kenneth Galbraith, Blue Ohio, ignoring Bush, John Murtha
Teams: Jazz (but fading fast), Wisconsin Badgers, anyone who plays against the South Eastern Conference.
Philosophers: John Rawls, Amy Gutmann, Hilary Putnam, William James (as usual)
Theology: Finitism, Scripture as incarnation, liberation theology, source-critical analysis
Magazines: The New Yorker, Harpers, National Geographic, American Prospect
Two things:
How do Slim Fast shakes match up with Triple chocolate chip cookies?
Barack Obama may just rekindle my dying interest in politics.
Wisconsin huh? I'm beginning to think you are going from bandwagon to bandwagon. I do have to admit that as far as democrats go Barack Obama is pretty interesting. I'm glad that you didn't say Hillary Clinton or I really might wonder who you are!
Missing categories:
-dream vacations
-people who should be thrown into the sun
Please update....
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