Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Tag Game

Four Jobs I've Had
1. Construction Grunt -- Christiansen Heating and Air Conditioning
2. Cashier Grunt -- Circle K
3. Lawn Mower Grunt (with Donald Nelson back in high dchool)
4. Research Grunt (BRCA1 study, medical ethics, UI, OSU)

Four Movies I never get sick of
1. Chariots of Fire
2. Pride and Prejudice (A&E version, although new version is good too)
3. The Matrix (to regain my manhood after Pride and Prejudice)
4. Twelve Angry Men (old version)

Four places I have lived
1. SLC -- Lakeside Dr.
2. SLC -- Roberta St.
3. Champaign, IL
4. Columbus, OH

Four TV shows I can't miss
1. The American Experience
2. The News Hour (Friday nights)
3. Frasier reruns
4. College basketball

Four favorite foods
I don't really belive in favorites. I rarely meet a food I don't like.

Four sites I visit daily
1. Washington Monthy
2. Crooked Timber
3. Talking Points Memo Cafe
4. Andrew Sullivan

Four places I'd rather be right now
1. Cameron Indoor
2. Tetons/Wind Rivers
3. Not grading exams
4. With family and friends



Unknown said...

It's fun to how influential I am through my blog. Next, send Jared money....

chappo said...

Jared sure gives himself way too much credit. On your picks of movies, the A&E Pride and Prejudice is quite good. Being a research grunt is great isn't it. Apparently our fathers ran into each other the other night and all seems well. Enjoy being a grunt no matter the pay or respect given. We are all working for the man. Whoever that is.

Anonymous said...

I notice you didn't tag anyone, there, tough guy. I'm gonna come to your house and put some sense into you. Friday through Sunday. See you then.